How do I configure IPTables to harden the Content Gateway host system?

When Content Gateway is deployed on a stand-alone Linux server (not an appliance), it is strongly recommended that an IPTables firewall be configured to provide maximum security and efficiency with Content Gateway.
Warning: Only qualified system administrators should modify the IPTables firewall.

Content Gateway now utilizes iptables, configured during product installation or upgrade, to facilitate interception and redirection of traffic.

  • IPTables rules configured outside of Content Gateway Manager must
    • Be inserted after Forcepoint rules.
    • Never be added to Forcepoint chains.
  • Forcepoint chains and rules should never be edited.
  • If customized chains or rules impact the Forcepoint configuration, navigate to /opt/wcg/bin and execute the following to re-establish the Forcepoint IPTables chains and rules: -r

While hardening the system is allowed, caution should be taken to avoid interfering with general Content Gateway functionality.