Which web browsers provide the best user experience with Content Gateway?

Not all web browsers fully support transparent user authentication.

The following table indicates how a browser responds to an authentication request when Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) is configured in version 8.2.x.

Browser/ Operating System Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome Opera Safari
Windows Performs transparent authentication Performs transparent authentication) Performs transparent authentication Performs transparent authentication Falls back to NTLM and prompts for credentials
Mac OS X Not applicable Performs transparent authentication Falls back to NTLM and prompts for credentials Falls back to NTLM and prompts for credentials Performs transparent authentication
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, update 6 Not applicable Performs transparent authentication Browser issue prevents IWA from working Not tested Not applicable
Note: When prompted for credentials, if the user does not enter a domain name, a “session timeout” error can result, or the user may be re-prompted.