Citrix collaboration products

Citrix collaboration products do not support HTTPS connections through a proxy. Connections require proxy bypass rules.

To create proxy bypass rules, you will need a list of the current Citrix URL ranges. Go to these sites for additional information.

If Content Gateway is a transparent proxy with WCCP routers or switches, add the Citrix IP address ranges to the WCCP Access Control List (ACL).

PAC file entry:

Add entries for the Citrix URLs in the exceptions block of your PAC file. A separate line is required for each distinct IP address range.

if (shExpMatch(url, "Citrix Collaboration IP address"))


return "DIRECT";


where "Citrix Collaboration IP address" is replaced by an IP address range from the Citrix list.

Static For each Citrix IP address range, add a rule like:
bypass rule:  
  Rule Type: bypass
  Source IP: (empty)
  Destination IP: IP address range or CIDR of one of the Citrix ranges
  Repeat for each range.