Edit an existing report
To edit an existing report from the Report Catalog:
- In the folders list, select the folder or subfolder that contains the report you want to edit. A list of reports appears in the reports pane.
Locate the report you want to edit.
- Click the down arrow next to the report name and select Edit before running from the menu provided.
The Report Builder or Transaction Viewer opens, depending on whether the reporting is a grouped or transaction report.
- Change the report as needed, then click the Update Report button.
- When you are satisfied with the edits, click Save to overwrite the existing report or Save As to create a new report.
- Enter a Name and, optionally, a Description for the report.
- Select a Folder in which the report should be stored.
- Click Save Report to save the report in the selected folder.
- Click the down arrow next to the report name and select Edit before running from the menu provided.