Selecting clients for a presentation report

The Clients tab of the Presentation Reports > Edit Report Filter page lets you control which clients are included in the report. You can select only one type of client for each report. For example, you cannot select a combination of users and IP addresses for the same report.

Note: If you select the IP address client type, you can identify clients by IPv4 or IPv6 address.

When the report definition specifies a particular client type, you can choose clients of that type or clients that represent a larger grouping. For example, if you are defining a filter for a report based on Top Blocked Groups by Requests, you can select groups or OUs for the report, but you cannot select individual users.

No selections are required on this tab if you want to report on all relevant clients.


  1. Select a client type from the drop-down list.
  2. Set the maximum number of search results from the Limit search list.
    Depending on the traffic in your organization, there may be large numbers of users, groups, or domains (OUs) in the Log Database. This option manages the length of the results list, and the time required to display the search results.
  3. Enter one or more characters for searching, and then click Search.

    Use asterisk (*) as a wildcard to signify missing characters. For example, J*n might return Jackson, Jan, Jason, Jon, John, and so forth.

    Define your search string carefully, to assure that all desired results are included within the number selected for limiting the search.

  4. Highlight one or more entries in the results list, and click the right arrow button (>) to move them to the Selected list.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 as needed to conduct additional searches and add more clients to the Selected list.
  6. After you are finished making selections, click Next to open the Categories tab. See Selecting categories for a presentation report.