Unusually high directory server connection latency
User Service communicates with user directories in your network to:
- Populate the Clients page and other Forcepoint Security Manager pages with user, group, and OU information.
- Find group information for users so that Filtering Service can enforce the correct policy.
- Provide user and group information to other web protection components to ensure consistency in policy enforcement, reporting, and alerting.
- Offer manual authentication via browser-based logon prompts.
When User Service experiences unusually high connection latency to the directories that it queries, users may:
- Experience slow browsing
- Receive an IP address-based policy or the Default policy instead of the appropriate user or group policy
Administrators may experience delays when trying to work with clients in the Forcepoint Security Manager.
To address this issue, look for:
- Network problems between the specified User Service machine and each of the directory server machines noted in the health alert message
- Problems on the domain controller that might slow down directory connections or searches