User Service is not available

User Service must be running, and Policy Server must be able to communicate with User Service, in order for user-based policies to be applied correctly.

User Service may appear to have stopped if you restarted Policy Server after restarting other web protection services. To correct this issue:


  1. Log off of the Forcepoint Security Manager.
  2. Restart Websense Policy Server (see Stopping and starting web protection services).
  3. Start or restart Websense User Service.
  4. Wait 1 minute before logging on to the Security Manager again.

Next steps

If the previous steps do not fix the problem:

  • Check the Windows Event Viewer or websense.log file (in the bin directory) for error messages from User Service.
  • Navigate to the bin directory (C:\Program Files\Websense\Web Security\bin or /opt/Websense/bin/, by default), and make sure that you can open websense.ini in a text editor. If this file has been corrupted, replace it with a backup file.