Reviewing Report Center scheduled reports

Click Review Reports on the Scheduler page to open Review Reports and view a list of all of the reports that were created each time a scheduled job ran successfully.

Details include:

Column Description
Report Name The name of the generated report. This is typically the name of the report that is displayed in the Report Catalog.
Job Name The name of the job that generated the report.
Creation Date The date the report was generated.
Requestor The name of the administrator who scheduled the report.
Purge Date

The date the report will be deleted from the disk.

This date is calculated based on the length of time configured on Settings > Reporting > Preferences.

File Size

The size of the report file stored on the disk.

File size is converted and reported in an appropriate measurement (bytes, KB, MB, etc.). Each reported value includes two decimal places.

The list provided contains the reports created by scheduled jobs owned by the user accessing the page. This is also true for the Super Administrator. Unlike the list of scheduled jobs, the Review Reports page will include only the reports generated by the jobs owned by “admin”.

  • To view any report, click the report name.

    The report is downloaded to the local downloads folder. Open or save the file to view it.

  • Use the paging options to navigate to other report pages.
  • Change the column width to make the page easier to view.
  • Limit the list to reports that will be deleted soon by enabling Show only reports due to be purged.

    Reports are stored on the management server machine for a length of time configured on the Setting > Reporting > Preferences page of Forcepoint Security Manager. Use the Store report for drop-down list to indicate how long reports are stored (5 days, by default). Also, define how long a warning is displayed on the Review Reports page before a report is deleted (3 days, by default).

  • If a recently created report does not display, click Refresh to update the page. Configured sorts are maintained when using Refresh.
  • The page sorts by Creation Date, by default, with the most recent report listed first.

    Select any column heading to change the sort to that column. Select a column again to reverse the sort.

  • Reports are saved to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Websense\Web Security\ ReportingOutput\ReportCenterOutput folder of the management server. A record is also added to the Log Database for each report.

    Report files are saved as zip files in order to use the least amount of disk space. Reports that fail to generate due to insufficient disk space report “Low disk space” in the message column of the job history page.

    If a report record fails to be added to the Log Database, the file is not saved to disk.

  • Delete a report by selecting it and click Delete. The report is removed from the management server and from the Log Database.

    Reports that are stored for the length of time configured on the Setting > Reporting > Preferences page are then automatically deleted from the disk and the corresponding record is deleted from the Log Database. If you want to retain reports for a longer period of time, include them in your backup routine or save them to a location that permits long term storage.

    If the job associated with a report is deleted, the report remains on the disk.

  • Click Back or use the breadcrumb at the top of the page to return to the Scheduler page.