How is quota time configured and used?

When you create category filters, you can apply the Limit by Quota action to categories to let users access URLs in those categories for a limited amount of time each day.

You can assign quota time in two ways:
  • Define a global period of quota time (60 minutes, by default) on the Settings > General > Filtering page in the Web module of the Security Manager.

    When clients request a URL in a quota-limited category, they receive this amount of quota time, unless otherwise specified (see the next bullet).

  • Assign a custom period of quota time to specific clients on the Main > Policy Management > Clients > Edit Clients page.
When users request a URL in a quota-limited category, they see a block page that offers a Use Quota Time button. If they click this button to continue to the website, the amount of time they spend browsing the site is monitored. If they request another URL in a quota-limited category:
  • And their quota session has not ended, they see the new website.
  • And their quota session has ended, they receive a new block page, either offering them the option to use additional quota time, or telling them that they have used all available quota time for the day.

The amount of time available in a quota session (10 minutes, by default) is configured on the Settings > General > Filtering page.

If your organization uses multiple Filtering Service instances, an additional component—State Server—may be required for correct application of quota time. See “Policy Server, Filtering Service, and State Server” in the Administrator Help for details.