Microsoft Office licensing
- Windows 10 VM requires Microsoft Office 2019
- Windows 7 VM requires Microsoft Office 2010
There are 2 options for Microsoft Office licensing:
root@amd-eng:~# amd_setup sandbox --[vm type][--msofficekey MSOFFICEKEY]
where MSOFFICEKEY is a license key for Microsoft Office.
For example:
amd_setup sandbox --win10 --msofficekey XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
root@amd-eng:~# amd_setup sandbox --[vm type][--msofficekey MSOFFICEKEY][--kms KMS]
where KMS is an optional key management server.
If you want to specify --instances to tailor the instance count that must be supplied with the Windows VM type and the license key
root@amd-eng:~# amd_setup sandbox --[vm type][--msofficekey MSOFFICEKEY][--instances count]
For example: root@amd-eng:~# amd_setup sandbox --win10 --msofficekey XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX --instances 24
Below warning message is displayed if MS license key is not supplied:
root@amd-eng:~# amd_setup sandbox --win10
Warning: Windows options require a Microsoft
Office license to ensure efficacy for analysis of Office documents; supply --msofficekey