Manager configuration

This section focusses on the amd_setup command.
Note: All CLI commands must be executed either using sudo or logged in as root.
The Manager CLI is primarily concerned with Engine management. The amd_setup utility supports the engines command.
root@amd-mgr:~# amd_setup engines -h
usage: amd_setup engine [-h] [-l] [-a ENGINE] [-r ENGINE] [-u ENGINE] [-i IP]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --list-engines
  -a ENGINE, --add-engine ENGINE
  -r ENGINE, --remove-engine ENGINE
  -u ENGINE, --update-engine ENGINE
  -i IP, --ip IP, --ipv4 IP
  • Adding an Engine
    amd_setup engine -a sandbox1 -i
  • Listing Engines
    amd_setup engines -l
  • Removing an Engine
    amd_setup engine -r sandbox1