Backup and Restore

The amd_backup tool creates a backup of the AMDP configuration files and log files that can be restored through the amd_restore command on a freshly installed machine that has gone through the initial registration.

Usage and options for the backup command are as follows:
root@amd-mgr# amd_backup -h
usage: amd_backup [-h] [--logs-only] [--no-sql-backup] [--template TEMPLATE] [--list] [--dry-run]
optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --logs-only          Only backup logs
  --no-sql-backup      Don't backup the Triage database
  --template TEMPLATE  Provide a custom backup template
  --list               List available backup files
  --dry-run            Do a dry-run backup

Usage and options for the restore command are as follows:
root@amd-mgr# amd_restore -h
usage: amd_restore [-h] -f FILE
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Backup file to restore


To provide the backup logs to Forcepoint Support, you may wish to use the --logs-only option to exclude samples.
root@amd-mgr:# amd_backup --logs-only
Space required for backup: 54369 KB
Available Space: 38294704 KB
Creating backup
Created backup at /var/spool/amd/backups/amdp-backup_20231129-160139-logs.tar.gz
root@amd-mgr:# amd_backup --list
Available backups:
root@amd-mgr:~# amd_backup --list
Available backups:
root@amd-mgr:~# amd_restore -f /var/spool/amd/backups/amdp-backup_20231129-160139-logs.tar.gz
Extracting /var/spool/amd/backups/amdp-backup_20231129-160139-logs.tar.gz
Validating backup compatibility
Stopping services
Restoring backup
Cleaning up temp directory
Initial restore complete. Restart the system to finish the restore operation.