Protector SMTP service: Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) tab

Use the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) tab to configure MTA settings for the protector.


  1. Under Operation Mode, select one of the following:
    • Select Monitoring to monitor SMTP traffic only.
    • Select Blocking to block SMTP traffic that breaches policy.
  2. Select the option to take when an unspecified error occurs:
    • Select Permit traffic to allow all SMTP traffic to go through if an unspecified error occurs during data analysis, and traffic cannot be analyzed.
    • Select Block traffic to block all SMTP traffic in the event of an unknown error.
  3. Under SMTP Settings, specify an SMTP HELO name (do not include spaces).

    This setting configures the name the protector uses to communicate with the next hop. This is the string that the MTA uses to identify itself when it connects with other servers.

  4. Select Set next hop MTA (also known as the Smart Host) to provide the IP address or hostname and port of the mail server or gateway to which the protector should forward traffic after analysis.
  5. Set the Maximum message size for email (33 MB, by default).
  6. Specify the Network address and Subnet mask for each network that has permission to send email via the protector’s SMTP service, then click Add.

    This is necessary to prevent the protector from being used as a mail relay.

  7. Under Email Settings, select Add the following footer..., then enter footer text to append to all email messages processed by the protector.
  8. Select Send notifications... to send notifications when there is a problem with email, then enter the email addresses to which the notifications should be sent.

    Continue with Protector SMTP service: Encryption & Bypass tab.