Protector: Configuring SMTP

Selecting SMTP on the Protector Details page opens the Protector Service Details window, which may include up to 5 tabs, depending on the protector mode (monitoring or MTA).

The Details window opens to the General tab, which displays the service type at the top of the pane.


  1. Select or clear Enabled to enable or disable the SMTP service.
  2. Enter or update the service Name and Description.
  3. Enter the Ports to monitor, separated with commas (for example, 25, 1333).
  4. Select Intelligent protocol discovery to have the system match data from unknown ports to this SMTP service. If enabled, the protector tries to parse the transaction regardless of the port number. (This has an effect on protector performance.)
  5. Select a protector Mode:
    • In Monitoring mode, Forcepoint DLP monitors and analyzes a copy of all traffic but does not enable policies to block transactions.
    • In Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) mode, the protector acts as an MTA. Configure mail servers and clients to forward mail to the protector.

    When the protector functions as an MTA, be sure to limit the networks it monitors in order to prevent the protector from becoming an open relay.

    Continue with Protector SMTP service: Traffic Filter tab.