Configuring the Forcepoint DLP management server

When you install Forcepoint DLP, the Forcepoint DLP management server is installed on the Windows server that hosts all Forcepoint management components.

The Forcepoint DLP management server is the heart of the system. It provides the core data loss technology, analyzing traffic on your network and applying policies to incidents. All other modules register and synchronize with the management server.

  • If the management server FQDN must change, run the Modify action on the installer, then re-register all agents.
  • The management server cannot be deleted, but its name and description can be changed.

To edit the Forcepoint DLP management server module (), click its entry on the System Modules page.

The following information is displayed, but cannot be changed:

  • The Type of module.
  • The FQDN (fully qualified domain name) given to the module when it was installed.
  • The module Version.

To update the module, optionally edit the following fields:

  1. Enter a new Name for the management server if desired (up to 128 characters).
  2. Enter a new Description for the management server (up to 4000 characters).
  3. Click OK to save your changes and return to the System Modules page.

The management server includes many other components: a primary fingerprint repository, endpoint server, crawler, forensics repository, and policy engine. To configure any of these components, expand the management server node on the System Modules screen and click a component.

For configuration instructions for these components, see:

  • Configuring the fingerprint repository
  • Configuring the endpoint server
  • Configuring the crawler
  • Configuring the forensics repository
  • Configuring the policy engine