Domino Fingerprinting Wizard - Document Filtering

Use the Document Filtering page of the Domino fingerprinting wizard to use the document name, age, size, or a combination of properties to determine which documents are fingerprinted.


  1. To analyze content in document names, mark Filter by Document Name. The file names and their paths are fingerprinted.
    • List the exact document names to be fingerprinted, separated by semi-colons.
    • The “*” or “?” wildcards are supported. For example, “top_secret*”.
  2. Use the Except field to list the exact document names to exclude from the scan, separated by semi-colons. The “*” or “?” wildcards are supported.
  3. To filter based on document modification date, mark Filter by Age, then use the radio buttons to select a time period (24 months, by default).

    The document age is determined by the most recent date of its body and all attachments.

  4. To filter based on file size, mark Filter by Size, then select one or both of the following options:
    • Mark Scan only files larger than, then select a file size from the spinner. By default, all files larger than 1 KB are scanned.
    • Mark Scan only files smaller than, then select a file size from the spinner. By default, all files smaller than 100,000 KB are scanned.
    Note: Documents larger than 100 MB are fingerprinted for exact- matching. Two binary fingerprints are created: one with the first 100 MB, and another with the first and last 5 MB. When a large document is received, the first and last 5 MB are sent to analysis. They are compared to both of the fingerprints above to search for a match.
  5. Click Next to continue. See Domino Fingerprinting Wizard - Attachment Filtering section.