File System Fingerprinting Wizard - Export

When creating a new classifier, use the Export page of the file system fingerprinting wizard to configure settings that allow use of this classifier in policies on a disconnected network.

First, export the classifier to a network location. Later, copy it to the other network and import it via the Import option on the File Fingerprinting toolbar. See Imported fingerprinting section for details. (The disconnected network must also have a management server.)


  1. Mark Export fingerprints to export this fingerprint classifier for use in a disconnected network.
  2. Enter the User name for an account with write access to the export folder.
  3. Enter the Password for the account.
  4. Optionally, enter the Domain name for the account.
  5. Use the Export to folder field to enter the hostname or IP address (in UNC format; for example, \\ of the destination server, then browse to the folder to use. The folder must already exist.

    A new folder is created in that directory every time the fingerprinting task is run. The folders are versioned, and they can grow indefinitely. You are responsible for managing or deleting older versions as needed.

  6. Click Next to continue. See File System Fingerprinting Wizard - Finish section.