File Lineage- Agent Activities

This page lists the names and descriptions of the events generated by agent that we use to track file lineage.

Table 1.
Event Type Event Name Description Display Name
File CLASSIFIED DIFFERENT THAN SUGGESTION AFTER WARNING This event occurs when a file is classified differently from the suggested classification, even after a warning is provided GENERIC
File CLASSIFIED LOWER THAN SUGGESTION This event occurs when a file is classified lower than the system's recommended classification. MODIFY
File CLASSIFIED LOWER THAN SUGGESTION AFTER WARNING This event occurs when a file is classified lower than the suggested classification, even after a warning is provided MODIFY
File MANUAL CLASSIFICATION DEESCALATION This event occurs when a user manually downgrades a file's classification to a lower level. GENERIC
File MANUAL DISTRIBUTION DEESCALATION This event occurs when a user manually downgrades a file's distribution to a lower level. GENERIC
File SUGGESTION CLASSIFICATION DEESCALATION This event occurs when the system suggests a lower classification level for a file based on its content. GENERIC
File SUGGESTION DISTRIBUTION DEESCALATION This event occurs when the system suggests a lower distribution level for a file based on its content GENERIC
File OPEN OR NEW This event occurs when a file is opened, or a new file is created within the system. OPEN
File PRINT CLASSIFIED This event occurs when the user classifies a file and then prints it. PRINT
File PRINT UNCLASSIFIED This event occurs when the user prints a file without classifying it. PRINT
File PRINT UNCLASSIFIED AFTER WARNING This event occurs when an unclassified file is printed despite a warning, indicating a potential security risk or oversight. PRINT
File SAVE CLASSIFIED This event occurs when the user classifies a file and then saves it. WRITE
File SAVE UNCLASSIFIED This event occurs when the user saves a file without classifying it. WRITE
File SAVE UNCLASSIFIED AFTER WARNING This event occurs when an unclassified file is saved despite a warning, indicating a potential security risk or oversight. WRITE
File SUGGESTION RECEIVED This event occurs when a suggested classification for a file is received from the system. CLASSIFY
File TAGGED This event occurs when the file is classified MODIFY
Email CLASSIFIED DIFFERENT THAN SUGGESTION This event occurs when an email is classified with a different classification level than the one recommended by the system n/a
Email CLASSIFIED DIFFERENT THAN SUGGESTION AFTER WARNING This event occurs when an email is classified with a different classification level than suggested by the system despite a prior warning. n/a
Email CLASSIFIED LOWER THAN SUGGESTION This event occurs when an email is classified lower than the system's recommended classification. n/a
Email CLASSIFIED LOWER THAN SUGGESTION AFTER WARNING This event occurs when an email is classified at a lower classification level than suggested by the system despite a prior warning. n/a
Email MANUAL CLASSIFICATION DEESCALATION This event occurs when a user manually downgrades an email classification to a lower level. n/a
Email MANUAL DISTRIBUTION DEESCALATION This event occurs when a user manually downgrades an email distribution to a lower level. n/a
Email SUGGESTION CLASSIFICATION DEESCALATION This event occurs when the system suggests lowering the classification level of an email based on its content. n/a
Email SUGGESTION DISTRIBUTION DEESCALATION This event occurs when the system suggests lowering the distribution level of an email based on its content. n/a
Email SEND BLOCKED BY ATTACHMENT This event occurs when the sending of an email is blocked due to the presence of an unclassified attachment. n/a
Email SEND BLOCKED BY DOMAIN This event occurs when the sending of an email is blocked due to restrictions associated with the recipients domain n/a
Email SEND BLOCKED BY RECIPIENT COUNT This event occurs when an attempt to send an email is blocked due to the number of recipients count exceeding than the set value n/a
Email SEND BLOCKED BY SENDER This event occurs when an email is prevented from being sent because the sender is in the blocked list n/a
Email SEND BLOCKED BY WHITELIST This event occurs when an email is prevented from being sent because the sender is in the whitelist n/a
Email SEND CLASSIFIED INSIDE DOMAIN This event occurs when an email is marked as classified within an organization's domain, indicating restricted access or sensitive content intended for internal distribution only. n/a
Email SEND OUTSIDE DOMAIN This event occurs when an email is successfully sent from an internal domain to an external recipient n/a
Email SEND OUTSIDE DOMAIN AFTER WARNING This event occurs when an email is sent to an external recipient despite a prior warning message n/a
Email SEND OUTSIDE WHITELIST This event occurs when an email is sent to a recipient not included in the sender's approved whitelist n/a
Email SEND OUTSIDE WHITELIST AFTER WARNING This event occurs when an email is sent to a recipient outside of the approved whitelist, despite receiving a prior warning message. n/a
Email SEND UNCLASSIFIED This event occurs when an email is sent without any classification tags. n/a
Email SEND UNCLASSIFIED AFTER WARNING his event occurs when an email is sent without classification tags despite a prior warning message n/a
Email SUGGESTION RECEIVED This event occurs when a user receives suggestions for email content. n/a
Email TAGGED This event occurs when an email is classified with specific tags n/a
Email UNCLASSIFIED SEND BLOCKED This event occurs when an attempt to send an unclassified email is blocked. n/a
Email PRINT CLASSIFIED This event occurs when an email is classified and printed n/a
Email PRINT UNCLASSIFIED This event occurs when an email is unclassified and printed n/a
Email UNCLASSIFIED PRINT BLOCKED This event occurs when an attempt to print an unclassified email is blocked. n/a
Email PRINT UNCLASSIFIED AFTER WARNING This event occurs when an unclassified email is printed despite receiving a prior warning. n/a