Agent V4- Configuration Options for Expert Mode
Config Section | Property Name | Description |
Tagset | ID |
Tagset is a set of one or more tags. E.g. certain tags belong to certain types of compliance, so these tags will be grouped together. id- Universally Unique Identifier for the whole tagset. |
Tagset | name | Name of the tagset, e.g. “Classification” or “Compliance” or Distribution. |
Tagset | displayname | The name of the tagset that users want to be displayed on the UI. Example: the tagset is Classification but on Agent UI it will be displayed as Classification FDC. |
Tagset | required | This property meant for binary tags, if the type is binary and required: true, then the user will have to select at least 1 tag, otherwise a red text “is required” will appear below the column. |
Tagset | tagType | There are two tagtypes categorical which is single select option like radio button and binary are multiselect option like check boxes. |
Tagset | tags | The list of tags for each type like for classification it can be Public, Confidential or custom tags. For Distribution it can be Internal, External and for Compliance it can be GDPR/PII etc. |
Tagset | tagAliases | The name of the tagset that users want to be displayed on the UI. Eg the tag Public but on Agent UI it will be displayed as Public for FDC. |
Tagset | visualMarkingOder | This property defines the order of the tags in tagset that will be shown to the user in the agent UI. This property is not applicable for Distribution and Compliance. |
Agent | classificationDialogColum nTagsetIds | The tagsetId of the column should be displayed here. So, if you want to show Classification and Distribution on UI then the tagsetid of these fields should be added here. |
Agent | blockServerAddressEdit | Does Not allow the user to edit the Server Address displayed on the Configuration Dialog Box. |
Agent | disableConfigurationMenu | Allows the user to disable the configuration menu so the end user cannot change it. |
Agent | ribbonTitlePrefix | User can set the custom ribbon title using this property. If the field is left empty, will be displayed default title “Classification”. |
Agent | orderTagsTopToBottom | It will show the order of classification tags on Agent UI. |
Agent | helpUrl |
A will be displayed on Agent UI when URL is filled in this filed. Clicking on the will then navigate to the entered URL. |
Global | autoUpdateCheckRate | The duration after which the server will check for auto update in mins. |
Global | autoUpdateEnabled | When set to True the property will update to a new version when its available. |
Global | autoUpdateServerUrl | Server address to where auto update artifact is stored. |
Global | autoUpdatePackageName Regex | Regex that the customer can add to fetch the auto update artifact. |
Global | betaAgentsEnabled | Flag indicating if beta agents are enabled. |
Global | betaAgentEndpoints | List of machines which should auto-update to latest beta agent. |
Global | availableLanguages | It shows the language that is set on the language setting page of dashboard. |
Global | suggestionsDebounceRate | Delay before we fetch suggestions in secs. |
Outlook | attachmentsSetMinimalCla ssification | Based on the value set attachments having higher classification value than the email will be allowed, blocked or ignored. |
Outlook | autoClassifyOnReplyForwa rd | The property if set to true will auto classify the email when replying or forwarding as per the original email. |
Outlook | classifyAttachmentsSame AsEmails | When set to true the attachment will be classified same as email if on sending the attachment is not classified. |
Outlook | classifyEmailsSameAsAtta chments | When set to true the email will be classified same as attachment if on sending the email is not classified. |
Excel, Word, PPT, Outlook |
“tagsetWhitelists": [ { "members": [““], "tagName": "Public", ”tagsetId": "“ } ], |
Users/domain in whitelist property will only see the tags that are defined in the property for that plugin. |
Excel, Word, PPT, Outlook |
aIClassificationDeescalatio nPolicy: Policy Threshold |
Policy: This property allows the user to decide if they want to block or warn when the user lowers the classification level from the classification suggested by AI. Threshold: This property allows the user to decide the confidence % after which if they want to block or warn when the user lowers the classification level from the classification suggested by AI. So eg: Block the user to lower the classification on when the confidence % is less.50. This property works for only for Categorical tag types. |
Excel, Word, PPT, Explorer, Outlook | allowClassificationDeescal ation | The property if true allows the user to lower the classification value after saving and re-opening the document. |
Excel, Word, PPT, Explorer, Outlook | allowDistributionDeescalat ion | The property if true allows the user to lower the distribution value after saving and re-opening the document. |
Excel, Word, PPT, Outlook | defaultClassification | User will be able to enable default classification using this value. The trigger for this is save and close. |
Excel, Word, PPT, Outlook | defaultClassificationValue | This property allows the user to select the default classification that can be applied to the document. |
Excel, Word, PPT, Outlook | defaultDistributionValue | This property allows the user to select the default distribution that can be applied to the document. |
Excel, Word, PPT, Outlook | "autoClassificationConfigu ration": [ { "tagsetId": "", "threshold": } ], | The document will be classified based on the context of the file when this property is enabled. Users can set this property for Distribution, Compliance and Classification. The trigger is Save and Send. |
Excel, Word, PPT, Outlook | policyBeforePrint | Using this property user can decide level of enforcement that should be applied while printing an unclassified document. |
Excel, Word, PPT, Outlook | policyBeforeSave | Using this property user can decide level of enforcement that should be applied while saving an unclassified document. |
Excel | enforceOverwriteOption | When set to true the visual label will be applied as per the option selected in the drop-down below. |
Excel | overwriteOption | This drop down allows the user to select if they want to overwrite or append the existing H/F. |
PPT | titlePageShowTitle | Enables the user to add an additional slide and add title to it as per the classification value. |
PPT | titlePageTitle | User can add customized title using this property. |
PPT | titlePageShowSubtitle | Enables the user to add an additional slide and add subtitle to it as per the classification value. |
PPT | titlePageSubtitle | User can add customized subtitle using this property. |
PPT | enforceSlideLayoutOption | When set to true the visual label will be applied as per the option selected in the drop-down below. |
PPT | slideLayoutOptions | By default, where visual tags should be applied. This drop-down has 3 values All slides, Title Slide Only and Slide Range. |
PPT | triggerSlidesNumber | Only applies visual labels when the number of slides is greater than or equal to the specified threshold. |
PPT | fromSlide | Enables the user to select from which slide number to apply visual marking. |
PPT | toSlide | Enables the user to select to which slide number the visual markings should be applied. |
labelWidth | This property defines the width of the PDF header text box. | |
labelHeight | This property defines the height of the PDF header text box. | |
Word | headerFooterHeight | Default size for floating header and footer |
Word | showWatermark | When set to true this property enables the user to show watermark on the classified document. |
Word | watermark | User can add customized header using this property. |
Word | enforceHeaderFooterType | When set to true the visual label will be applied as per the option selected in the drop-down below. |
Word | headerType | By default, how the visual tags should be applied for header. This drop-down has 2 values Fixed and Floating. |
Word | footerType | By default, how the visual tags should be applied for footer. This drop-down has 2 values Fixed and Floating. |
Word | pageLayoutOptions | By default, where visual tags should be applied. This drop-down has 3 values All pages , Title Page Only and All pages. |
Word | triggerPagesNumber |
except title Only applies visual labels when the number of pages is greater than or equal to the specified threshold. |
Custom Rules | Multiple |
Enabled: Setting this property to true will enable the Macro for use id: Unique ID associated with each Macro Name: Marco Name given by the user or if migrated from old config it will be numbered as shown in example. Note: If the user wants to add any description for the Macros it should be added here. Target: This property will mention the plugin that will be affected by this Macro, other than the target plugin all other plugins will be Null. For Eg: In this scenario the target is Outlook so other Plugins like Word, Excel and PowerPoint are Null. Trigger: Using this property user can select what should be the combination of compliance, classification and/or distribution should call this macro. footerOverwriteOption: This property allows to choose if the macro should overwrite or append to the default footer with the text. headerOverwriteOption: This property allows to choose if the macro should overwrite or append to the default header with the text. watermarkOverwriteOption: This property allows to choose if the macro should overwrite or append to the default |
Endpoint Discovery | Enabled | Enable or disable the scanning for all agents |
Endpoint Discovery | excludedFileAttributes |
Endpoint Discovery is designed to include only relevant files and folders in scan results, automatically excluding system files using carefully chosen Windows file/folder attributes. While these default settings provide optimal results, users can modify the attributes if needed, such as including system files or excluding hidden files, though changes should only be made if fully understood. |
Endpoint Discovery | excludedPaths | File paths to exclude from scanning. For example, it may be desired to scan the entire C: drive, but to exclude the Windows and Program Files folders, etc. File paths to exclude from scanning. For example, it may be desired to scan the entire C: drive, but to exclude the Windows and Program Files folders, etc |
Endpoint Discovery | includedFileAttributes |
Endpoint Discovery is designed to include only relevant files and folders in scan results, automatically excluding system files using carefully chosen Windows file/folder attributes. While these default settings provide optimal results, users can modify the attributes if needed, such as including system files or excluding hidden files, though changes should only be made if fully understood |
Endpoint Discovery | rootPath | The folder location to scan. It may be desired to scan the entire C: drive or to just scan the user folders, etc. This is a required field and must be populated for the scan to start. Must be in the format of an absolute |