Configuring Rancher and Fleet agent to run behind a HTTP proxy if cluster was previously registered

This article is applicable when there is a cluster showing as “unavailable“ after the user configured a proxy on the server.

If you have a cluster which has not been registered yet (registration command has not been run yet), then refer to Configuring Rancher and Fleet agent to run behind an HTTP proxy.
Note: Replace $PROXY_IP with the IP:PORT of the corporate proxy server and $NODE_IP with the IP or CIDR of the server running Kubernetes.


  1. Run env on the user’s server to determine what’s the proxy IP. You should check the following line:
  2. Open the file /etc/systemd/system/k3s.service.env and append the following lines:
  3. Restart k3s systemctl restart k3s.service.
  4. Go to the Rancher dashboard Cluster Management > Clusters and click on Edit Config for your cluster:
    1. Go to Advanced Options:
    2. Configure the following Agent Environment Variables and press Save:
      NO_PROXY: $NODE_IP,localhost,,,,,.svc,.cluster.local
  5. Run the command kubectl edit deployment -n cattle-system cattle-cluster-agent -o yaml.
  6. Type letter “i“ to insert text and on the env section, type the following lines:
    - name: HTTP_PROXY       
       value: $PROXY_IP

    - name: HTTPS_PROXY       
       value: $PROXY_IP
    - name: NO_PROXY     
       value: $NODE_IP,localhost,,,,,.svc,.cluster.local


    Save by pressing ESC and then typing “wq”

  7. Now do the same on the fleet-agent by running the command kubectl edit deployment -n cattle-fleet-system fleet-agent -o yaml.
  8. Repeat the step #6.
  9. After applying all the changes, wait for some minutes for the cluster to become Online on Rancher again.