Configuring Rancher and Fleet agent to run behind an HTTP proxy

This is applicable when there is a cluster showing as “unavailable“ after the user configured a proxy on the server.

Note: Replace $PROXY_IP with the IP:PORT of the corporate proxy server and $NODE_IP with the IP or CIDR of the server running Kubernetes.


  1. Run env on the user’s server to determine what is the proxy IP. Ensure that the following line is checked:
  2. Open the file /etc/systemd/system/k3s.service.env and append the following lines:
    Note: It is important to use correct IP addresses in the place of placeholders $PROXY_IP and $NODE_IP below.
  3. Restart k3s:
    systemctl restart k3s.service
  4. Go to the Rancher dashboard Cluster Management > Clusters and click on Edit Config for the cluster:
    1. Go to Advanced Options:
    2. Configure the following Agent Environment Variables and press Save:
      Note: Remember to use correct IP addresses in the place of placeholders $PROXY_IP and $NODE_IP below.
      NO_PROXY: $NODE_IP,localhost,,,,,.svc,.cluster.local
  5. Run the command:
    kubectl edit deployment -n cattle-system cattle-cluster-agent -o yaml
  6. Type letter “i“ to insert text and on the env section, type the following lines:
    - name: HTTP_PROXY       
       value: $PROXY_IP

    - name: HTTPS_PROXY       
       value: $PROXY_IP
    - name: NO_PROXY     
       value: $NODE_IP,localhost,,,,,.svc,.cluster.local


    Save by pressing Esc and then typing "wq".

  7. Do the same on the fleet-agent by running the command.
  8. Repeat Step 6.
  9. After applying all the changes, wait for the cluster to show as Online on Rancher.

    Configure Dashboard

    In order for the connectors to support proxy settings, you will need to enable it in the configuration page.