
Administrators with account-level privileges can click Account in the cloud portal toolbar to see the configuration options that apply to the complete account. The exact options available on the menu depend on the services you are licensed for.

  • To change the password for your cloud service administrator account, select My Account.
  • To view the configuration audit database for your account, select Audit Trails.
  • Select Contactsto view and modify the contact details of people in your organization who administer, support, and pay for services. The administrator contacts can be given logons to the portal and their permissions restricted as necessary. You can also use this page to modify your password settings, set two- factor authentication, and display a terms of use page for administrators.
  • Before configuring user provisioning for your account, see Identity Management.
  • Select End Usersto search for end users so you can enable or disable their Web access, delete them, or change their policy assignments. (This option is available only to web accounts or accounts enabled for identity management.)
  • When you define Groups, they are available in all your policies in all services. This allows you to define a consistent set of rules across the services for groups of end users.
  • Enable and configure Administrator single sign-onto allow administrator access to the cloud portal using a third-party identity provider.
  • Select if you want to prevent end-user identifying information and/or data security incident trigger values from appearing in logs and web reports.
  • Configure Data Protection Settingsto integrate with the Data Protection Service and let that service handle your enterprise data security, including blocking or monitoring data loss.

This chapter covers the configuration of account-level options. To configure the majority of web service options, click Web in the toolbar and select the appropriate setting type or policy.