Cloud Apps Dashboard

Use the Cloud Apps tab of the dashboard to monitor cloud app usage by risk level and category. Statistics are shown for the number of hits, the amount of cloud apps used, and the quantity of users accessing cloud apps. The summary statistic displays the number of cloud apps that have been accessed over the time period that you specify.

The following charts are displayed:

  • Cloud App Use by Risk Level displays a breakdown of cloud app usage by the risk level of the app (high, medium, and low risk). Select an option button to display app usage for the number of unique cloud apps used, the number of users accessing cloud apps, and the amount of bandwidth used. Click a section of the chart to see a report showing further details for that risk level. Depending on the display option, this report will show the number of hits by cloud app, the number of hits by user, or the amount of bandwidth by cloud app.
  • Top Cloud Apps displays the ten most-used cloud apps. Select an option button to display the top ten apps by the number of hits or the amount of bandwidth used. Click a bar in the chart to see a report showing the number of hits or bandwidth per user for the selected cloud app.
  • Top Cloud Apps by Risk Level displays the five most-used cloud apps in each risk level. Click a cloud app definition at the bottom of the chart to include or exclude it in the chart. Click a section of the chart to see a report showing the number of hits per user for the selected cloud app.
  • Top Cloud Apps by Category displays the five most-used cloud apps in each of the five most-used categories (such as “HR”, “IT”, or “Social Network”). Click a cloud app definition at the bottom of the chart to include or exclude it in the chart. Click a section of the chart to see a report showing the number of hits per user for the selected cloud app
  • Cloud App Activity by Category for the top ten cloud app categories, this table shows the number of cloud apps accessed and the number of unique users accessing them, as well as bandwidth usage for that category. Click an item in the table to see a transaction view showing details of individual web transactions for the selected category.
  • Top Cloud App Users displays the top ten users of cloud apps by the number of hits. Click a section of the chart to see a report showing the number of hits for that user.