Threat Dashboard

Use the Threats tab of the dashboard to monitor security risks and malware threats for your organization. The summary statistic displays the number of web threats over the time period that you specify.

The following charts are displayed:

  • Security Event Summary shows a list of users who have triggered security events, grouped by Critical, High, Medium, and Low severity. Click a figure in the Hits column to see further details of the sites accessed in the Transaction Viewer (see Viewing report results).
  • Top Threat Types by Request provides a trend chart of the top threat types that have been blocked in the selected time period. Click a threat type definition at the bottom of the chart to include or exclude it in the chart.
  • Top Security Risk Locations displays a map pinpointing the countries that are considered a security risk. You can filter this map by either Source IP country or Destination IP country. The larger the dot on the map, the greater the number of threats; hover over a dot to see the country name and number of threats. Click a dot to see a breakdown of the security risks by user for that country in Report Builder.
  • Top Security Threats shows a chart of the most frequently-accessed security threats over the defined time period. Click a bar or section in the chart to see a report of the users accessing a particular security threat.
  • Top Security Risk Sites shows the domains that triggered the Security risk class over the defined time period. Click a bar or section in the chart to see a report of the users triggering security threats in each domain.
  • X-Labs News shows an RSS feed of the latest news and blog entries from our Security Labs.