Data Security Dashboard

Use the Data Security tab of the dashboard for an overview of potential data leaks in your network and information about the kinds of violations that are being made.

Charts provide details of potential data loss whether Data Protection Service or DLP Lite (Data Security) is used to enforce policies. However, data returned to the cloud proxy by Data Protection Service does not include values for each field that may be included in the charts. Use Forcepoint DLP to view and report on incidents not included in the dashboard. See Viewing Incidents and Reports for more information.

Data Security charts include:

  • Incident Count Timeline shows a daily incident count for the designated period. With it, you can quickly identify trends and make policy changes as required.
  • Total Incidents by Content Type shows the number of regulatory incidents, data theft incidents, and custom classifier incidents in the designated period.
  • Top Sources shows the users, machines, or IP addresses most frequently instigating data security violations as well as the severity of their incidents.
  • Top Destination Domains shows the Internet domains most frequently targeted with sensitive data.
  • Top Web Categories shows the website categories most frequently targeted with sensitive data. These can be custom categories or the categories classified by the URL category database.
Note: Data returned to the cloud proxy by Data Protection Service does not support all of the fields use to generate the dashboard charts.