Resolved and Known Issues

This section lists the current resolved and known issues and possible workarounds.

Resolved Issues

Key ID Description
BG-28271 Widgets - Resolved an issue where user was not able to select sorting or delete the selected SSE measures, and observed a count difference while choosing top 10/20 domains. Now, Top/Bottom count option will be visible only for first dimension in case of SSE collections.
INS-271 Dashboard Catalog - The data labels only appeared on the dashboard instead of displaying the actual data value while viewing it as a widget. This issue is resolved now.
INS-272 Dashboard Catalog - The position of widgets within the dashboard could not be changed once the widget was created. This issue is resolved now.
INS-53 Widgets - When a widget with 10, 15 or 20 entries was added to a new dashboard, the widget displayed only five records and inconsistent results. The issue has been resolved now, and the widget displays correct results.
INS-59 Dashboard Catalog - While deleting a dashboard, Dashboard Catalog displayed Unable to delete Dashboard, please try again error message, but the dashboard was removed in All Dashboards. The issue has been resolved now, and the error message no longer appears during dashboard deletion.
INS-62 Discover - Previously, sorting applied to dimensions or measures in a dashboard widget, would be removed upon editing or duplicating the widget. This issue has been resolved now, and the sorting is maintained during editing and duplication.
FRBI-5214 Custom Dashboard - Resolved an issue where a new custom dashboard displayed Something went wrong. please try again error message after adding a widget with SiteVisit Data Collection.
FRBI-5372 RBI logs - Resolved an issue where the RBI logs were not received by SIEM.
INS-37 ThreatSeeker Categories - Insights now supports ThreatSeeker URL Categories along with Webroot URL Categories in the Discover page.
INS-38 Widgets - Resolved an issue where the Widget only displayed top 5 instead of 10 results as expected, and displayed inconsistent results.
INS-43 RBI Dashboard - Resolved an issue where the data was not displaying on the initial load in the RBI Dashboard.

Insights Known Issues

There are no known issues.