What's New

Lists the new features included in the latest release.

Introducing UI and UX improvements

The UI and UX improvements are needed to enhance usability, accessibility, and engagement.

  • Introduction of clickable breadcrumbs - Clickable breadcrumbs provide enhanced navigation, improved findability, reduce clicks and time.
  • While adding a new widget to your dashboard, the whole area is clickable now.
  • Introduction of space between the bars in bar chart and columns in column chart.
  • Introduction of space between the deleted widget and Add New Widget.
  • The Details section is removed in the widget view mode now.

Implementation of Forcepoint ONE Insights home page - [For Beta Customers]

The Home page, which took the place of the previous Summary page, now shows the Pre-Defined dashboards in an alphabetically ordered drop-down list. You can export any of the Pre-Defined dashboards as a PDF file.

Introducing advanced filters on transaction viewer table columns - [For Beta Customers]

The Transaction Viewer table columns' advanced filters make it easier to locate and analyze certain transactions using a variety of criteria.

You can apply multiple filters simultaneously on different columns. The Operator and Value are the two options available in filters. The data type of the column and the Operator we choose will determine the value field. The applied filters are dynamically reflected in the table. The individual filters can be cleared.

Supporting import and export of custom dashboard collections

You can now import and export custom dashboard collections into Catalog. The Import Catalogs and Export Catalogs functionalities are accessible via the Catalog UI.

Supporting scheduling of predefined dashboard collections

On the Scheduler page, click Create New Schedule > Add New under Attachments. You can now add(+) or remove(-) the Pre-Defined dashboard collections in the Add attachments browse and select window.