SmartEdge Agent with non-English on-premises AD users

When using SmartEdge Agent 2.4.0 or higher version with on-premises AD non-English users, whose device is linked to an on-premises AD domain, and if the AD Sync Agent is on a domain-joined Windows machine in English, then SmartEdge Agent supports the following:

  • The user details synced from on-prenises AD to IAM > Users and Groups > Users tile of supports non-English characters in the First Name, Last Name, UPN, Group and OU fields.
  • Non-English characters in Windows' Hostname (Machine Name) and Username.
  • On the Protect > Forward Proxy > SmartEdge Proxy page, the following options are supported for User Authentication:
    • Auto Login, Anonymous
    • Auto Login, Login Prompt - Auto Login works and fallback login prompt won't work
    • Anonymous only