Site Rendering

Forcepoint RBI offers two rendering modes: Secure Streaming and Secure Rendering.

  • Secure Streaming: This mode converts website content into a visual stream of content. The browser experience is close to standard browsing (rendering the page contents outside of Forcepoint RBI), but the browser shows a custom right-click menu instead of the standard browser menu and does not display all custom fonts. This is the safest isolation mode, but uses a high amount of network bandwidth.
  • Secure Rendering: This mode removes executable code, like JavaScript, and delivers only the HTML and CSS for a page to the local browser to render with native DOM rendering. The browsing experience is close to standard browsing — the browser shows the standard browser right-click menu and uses native fonts to provide a better experience to end users when they view the page through the isolated browser.

    In Forcepoint RBI, you can choose to use Secure Streaming, Secure Rendering, or Smart Isolation, which automatically switches between streaming and rendering based on several factors, including the threat level of the website and its content. Smart Isolation is powered by the Forcepoint Threat Intelligence Service (FTIS), a cloud-based service that provides real-time data on security threat metrics.

For more details, see Configuring the Default Access Action