To import a custom categories file from a Forcepoint on-premises solution


  1. Click Print Policies to File on the Policies page in the on-premises management console.
  2. Locate the Custom Categories and Recategorized URLs sections in the output file.
  3. Copy your custom categories and recategorized URLs to a CSV file using this format:

    CategoryName, RecategorizedURL

    CategoryName, RecategorizedURL

    CategoryName, RecategorizedURL

  4. Save the CSV file.
  5. In the cloud portal, click Import File on the Web > Policy Management > Custom Categories page.
  6. In the Import Custom Categories dialog box, browse to your CSV file and click Import File.

Next steps

These custom categories can be used in the same way as the built-in categories; see Category list for further information.

Use the toggle at the bottom of the page to Enable custom categories per policy. If this option is disabled, the Custom Categories tab is not available on the Web > Policy Management > Polices page and policy level custom categories cannot be added.

When this option is enabled, all policy level custom categories display by policy.