Web Activity reports

Report Name Description
Category Trend by Browse Time Browse times for the top 10 categories over the last month.
Category Trend by Hits The top 10 categories accessed in the last month.
Detailed User Request Report Detailed information about where users went, and when. Investigate their Internet requests, and the actions taken by your web protection software.
Detailed Web 2.0 Activity Report Full details of Web 2.0 transactions in the last 7 days.
Filtering Actions Report Actions taken on all site requests in the last 7 days.
Requested Domains by Date Details of all domains accessed in the last 7 days, grouped by date.
Top Categories Bandwidth, browse times, and hits for the top 20 categories in the last 7 days. Connections with no associated name are shown as “Unknown”.
Top Categories and Domains Frequently-requested domains in the top 10 categories for the last 7 days.
Top Connection Names The top 20 connections that have had the most web activity in the last 7 days.
Top Domains Volumes and sizes of the top 20 domains accessed in the last 7 days.
Top Groups Which groups access the Internet most, and compare Internet usage between those groups. Use this information to refine the organization's Internet use policy or to address productivity concerns.
Top Policies Web activity for the top 20 policies, and compare Internet usage for the users in those policies.
Top Users Which users access the Internet most, and compare Internet usage between those users. Use this information to refine the organization's Internet use policy or to address productivity concerns.
Top Users and Categories

Which users are consuming the most bandwidth by the categories they are accessing. Discover suspicious quantities of traffic that might indicate spyware or other malicious code infection.

Evaluate whether policy changes are needed to manage bandwidth.

Top Users and Domains

Which users are consuming the most bandwidth by the domains they are accessing. Discover suspicious quantities of traffic that might indicate spyware or other malicious code infection.

Evaluate whether policy changes are needed to manage bandwidth.

Top Web 2.0 Categories The top 20 Web 2.0 categories in the last 7 days, listed by hits and browse time.
Top Web 2.0 Users The web activity for top 10 users in Web 2.0 categories in the last 7 days.
Web Requests by Date The number of web requests from your organization over time.