Security reports

Report Name Description
Antivirus Threats Threats that have triggered the antivirus scanning analytic in the last month, and that were blocked because the response would have returned dangerous content.
Antivirus Transaction Details Full details of malware detected through the antivirus security analytic, including the user, the connection IP address, and the requested URL.
Blocked Security Threats by Category A listing of threat categories and types. See how many times users were blocked from downloading malicious files to determine productivity and security risks to your organization. Evaluate if changes in policy are needed.
Detailed File Sandboxing Report Details about files downloaded by users in your organization that were analyzed by file sandboxing in the last 7 days.
Phishing Sites by Date Blocked requests to phishing and other fraud sites in the last month.
Security Category Trend by Hits Daily trends in blocked and permitted requests for security risk categories. Discover potential security risks and evaluate whether policy changes are needed.
Security Threat Details Full details of all real-time blocked security threats in the last 7 days.
Security Threat Domains Domains containing security threats that have been requested and blocked in the last month.
Security Threat Transaction Details Full details of transactions that were considered a security risk, including the threat type, category, user, and full requested URL.
Security Threats by Date Requests to sites in the security risk class in the last month.
Top File Sandboxing Results The top results returned by file sandboxing analysis in the last 7 days.
Top Groups Accessing Spyware The top ten groups with the highest number of spyware blocks.
Top Phishing Hosts Requests to the top 10 hostnames in the Phishing category.
Top Protocols for Security Threats The top 10 protocols containing security threats in the last month.
Top Security Categories and Threat Types The number of times users were blocked from accessing websites containing threats to determine security risks in your organization.
Top Security Risk Users and Domains Which users attempted to access security risk sites and had their requests blocked.
Top Security Threat Categories Which categories in the Security Risk class are being accessed most. Assess the security risk to your organization via Internet access.
Top Security Threats The top 10 threats from secure (HTTPS) sites in the Security risk class during the last month.
Top Spyware Hosts The top 10 hostnames that have been blocked in the Spyware category.
Top Threat Types The threat types users most often attempt to download. Assess the security risk to your organization through file downloads.
Top Users for Blocked File Types A listing of users and which file types they were blocked from downloading to determine security risks in your organization.
Top Users for Outbound Spyware The top 10 users who sent content to sites in the Spyware category.
Top Users for Security Scanning Which users most often attempted to access Web sites containing security risks to determine if policy changes are needed.
Top Users for Security Threats by Domain A listing of users and the websites they were blocked from accessing to see which threat categories and types they encountered. Use this information to determine security risks to your organization.
Top Users of Security Risk Sites Which users are trying to download the greatest number of files with security risks. Assess the risk to your organization through file downloads, and consider whether policy changes are needed.
Top Users of Spyware Sites Which users have accessed sites that may pose a spyware risk. Discover which users might be infected by spyware. (The Security categories must be enabled to view data in this report.)