Bandwidth reports

Report Name Description
The top 10 categories that have used the most bandwidth in the last month. Evaluate whether policy changes are needed to manage bandwidth. The top 10 categories that have used the most bandwidth in the last month. Evaluate whether policy changes are needed to manage bandwidth.
Top Groups for Streaming Media Bandwidth The top 10 groups that have used the most bandwidth accessing streaming media sites.
Top Groups in Bandwidth Category The top 10 groups containing users who accessed sites in the Bandwidth category.
Top MIME Types by Bandwidth The top 10 file types that have used the most bandwidth.
Top Protocols by Bandwidth The protocols that have used the most bandwidth.
Top Streaming Media Domains by Bandwidth The top 10 streaming media sites that have used the most bandwidth.
Top Users for Streaming Media Bandwidth The top 10 users that have used the most bandwidth accessing streaming media sites.
Top Web 2.0 Domains by Bandwidth The top 10 domains in Web 2.0 categories that have used the most bandwidth.