Creating a new chart


  1. Select Create New Chart.
  2. In the Chart Editor, drag up to 2 attributes from the Attributes list to the Grouping field. For more information on the available attributes, see Report attributes: Web and Data Security.
    • The Chart Editor does not allow you to add more than 2 attributes, nor can you add the same attribute more than once.
    • By default, the report shows the top 10 matches by number of hits. Click an attribute box in the Grouping field to change the grouping data to show a specified number of top results, a specified number of bottom results, or all results.
      Note: Choosing to view all results may mean the report takes a long time to generate.
    • To remove an attribute from the Grouping field, click the cross icon on the attribute box.
  3. To add filters to the chart, drag an attribute to the Filters field.
    1. On the popup that appears, use the drop-down list to define how the filter handles the values that you specify. The options available depend on the attribute that you have selected. For example, you may be able to include or exclude values, or state that search terms equal or do not equal your text.
    2. Enter or select the search term or value(s) that you wish to filter on. Depending on the filter, you can:
      • Select one or more check boxes
      • Start typing text that will autocomplete based on data in the system
      • Enter the exact text that you want to use

      For filters where you are including or excluding values already stored in the system, start typing to see a list of potential matches. Then select the option you want from the list. You can add multiple values to the filter.

      For filters where you enter free text, enter each term that you want on a new line.

    3. Click OK when done.

    To edit a filter, click its attribute box. To remove an attribute from the Filters field, click the cross icon on the attribute box.

  4. Select the chart metric from the drop-down list. For more information on the available metrics, see Report metrics: Web and Data Security.
  5. Select the type of chart to display from the icons next to the Metric field. The following are available:
    • column chart
    • bar chart
    • pie chart
    • line chart
    • area chart

    All of these charts are available for a single-level grouping chart. For a chart with 2 attributes, only column and bar charts are available.

  6. When you have finished defining your chart, you can click the Update button to see how the chart results look.
  7. Once you are happy with your chart, click Save, and give your chart a name and optionally a description. Then click Save Chart.
    The chart now appears on your custom dashboard. If you included a description, you can see it by hovering your mouse over the information icon next to the chart name.