Importing bypass destinations in bulk


  1. Click Import Destinations.
  2. Click the CSV template link, and save the template in a location of your choice.
  3. Add the bypass destination information to the template file.

    The template file contains the following columns: Name, Type, Destination, and Description. Only Description is optional; all other columns must be filled in.

    Ensure the Type column contains either Address, Domain, or Subnet, and any destinations with the Subnet type use CIDR notation. For example:

    Name Type Destination Description
    Dest1 Domain Here is a description
    Dest2 Address Another description
    Dest3 Subnet Yet another description
  4. Save the file.
  5. On the Import Destinations page, browse to your CSV file, then click Import.
    Once the destinations are successfully imported, the Import Destinations page closes and the imported destinations are listed on the Proxy Bypass tab. If the import fails, any errors are listed on the Import Destinations page. Each error states which line of the CSV file is affected, and explains the problem; fix any issues before trying the import process again.
    Note: You can add a total of 1000 proxy bypass destinations per policy. Account-level bypass destinations (added via Web > Proxy Bypass) count towards this limit for each policy. For example, if your policy has 10 bypass destinations, and you have 10 account-level bypass destinations, this is counted as a total of 20 destinations for the policy.