User selection

If your cloud product is currently available only for your European staff, synchronize only those users. You can achieve this by:

  • Set the users LDAP search filter to search on European users by group.

    When setting up a users configuration, set the LDAP search base to the domain level. Then the search filter is set to something like the following:

    (&(objectCategory=person)(objectclass=user)(memberOf=CN=All Europe,OU=Global,dc=company,dc=com) (!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)) )

    This selects users that are members of the global Europe group, and that are enabled (strictly, that have accounts that are not disabled).

    More information about LDAP search filters is provided in the configuration profile setup instructions (Step 4: Setting up the LDAP search configuration).

  • Select users from the relevant OUs by setting up multiple data sources for the LDAP search.

    When setting up your users configuration, on the Configure data source window check the Advanced box. Select another source, and then set the LDAP search base to be one of the European OUs (for example London or Paris). Leave the search filter as the default to load all users from that OU.

    Once you have configured that data source, repeat the process for each OU that you want to include. The Directory Synchronization Client merges all of the users from the various OU sources and synchronizes them with the portal.

    More information about multiple data sources is provided in the configuration profile setup instructions (Step 2: Selecting your data source).