Check for Log Database problems
Before you begin
Some of the troubleshooting steps make changes to the Log Database. Back up the database before proceeding.
Make sure that there is enough disk space for the ETL (Extract, Transfer, and Load) job to create a new standard logging partition when rollover conditions occur.
- If necessary, add additional disk space to the
Remember to change the File Path entries on the Web > Settings > Reporting > Log Database page in the Forcepoint Security Manager if this process changes the database location.
- Use the Settings > Reporting > Log Database page to delete or move older partitions. To do this, scroll to Available Partitions, mark each partition to be deleted and click
Contact your Database Administrator or IT department if you want to keep the partitions but need to move them to free up disk space.
- As a temporary fix, until more disk space can be added, shrink all standard logging partitions except the current active partition. This does impact reporting speed.
- Make sure tempdb is not full. Tempdb filling up is often a symptom of other SQL Server problems. Check for SQL Server errors about tempdb to resolve the underlying
issue. Once the issue is resolved, ask your Database Administrator or IT department to stop and restart the Microsoft SQL Server services to clear tempdb. (If the
underlying issue is not resolved, tempdb may grow again very
Be sure to determine the impact to other applications before restarting SQL Server services.
- If necessary, add additional disk space to the
- If you are using Microsoft SQL Server Standard or Enterprise, make sure the SQL Server Agent service is running for the database instance that hosts the Log Database.
- Verify that the ETL job has the correct SQL Server permissions to create the database (see Log Database permissions.
In order to ensure that the ETL job can create a new standard logging partition make sure that:
- The initial size (Init Size field value) for the data and log files (set on the Settings > Reporting > Log Database page) is not greater than maximum size set by your Database Administrator.
- The File Path entries for the data and log files on the Settings > Reporting > Log Database page is correct and the folders exist.
- The SQL Server service instance hosting the Log Database has write permissions on the File Path folders.
- Verify that there is at least one current, active partition (a partition neither disabled nor marked for deletion) listed on the Settings > Reporting > Log Database page.
- Make sure there are no other processes running that use significant resources (such as an antivirus scan).
If you are using Microsoft SQL Server Standard or Enterprise, verify that the SQL Agent jobs (Websense_AMT_ETL_wslogdb70, Websense_ETL_Job_wslogdb70,
Websense_IBT_DRIVER_wslogdb70, Websense_Maintenance_Job_wslogdb70, and Websense_Trend_DRIVER_wslogdb7) exist and are running.
- If one or more jobs is not running, see Database jobs are not running.
- If the jobs are running, but the error “Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'server\admininstrator'” appears, see Database jobs are running, but an error appears.