Configuring Management API account

If you use the Management API to create and update API-managed categories, you must define a basic authentication account that will be used to send data to the API. Only one account may be defined per deployment. The account must include a password.


  1. Click Advanced Options.
    Note that this option is available only to Super Administrators and is not displayed if the API is not installed.
  2. Enter a User name for the account.
    Use only alphanumeric characters.
    A default user name, apiadmin, is provided but will not be saved until a valid password is entered and confirmed.
  3. Enter and confirm a Password for the account.
    Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters and include at least one:
    • Uppercase character
    • Lowercase character
    • Number
    • Special character

    Supported characters include:

    ! # % & ' ( ) * + , - . / ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ { | } ~

    The following special characters are not supported:

    Space $ : ` \ "

  4. Click OK. Changes are not implemented until you click Save and Deploy.
    Use this information to authenticate each connection to the Policy API Server.
    See the Management API Guide for details on using the Management API.