All reports are empty

If there is no data for any of your reports, make sure that:

  • The active database partitions include information for the dates included in the reports.

    To make sure the appropriate database partitions are active:

    1. Go to the Web > Settings > Reporting > Log Database page in the Forcepoint Security Manager.
    2. Scroll down to the Available Partitions section.
    3. Mark the Enable check box for each partition that contains data to be included on the reports.

      Click Save Now to implement the change.

  • The SQL Server Agent job is active on the Microsoft SQL Server machine. (This service is not used with SQL Server Express.) With Standard or Enterprise additions of Microsoft SQL Server, this job must be running for the log records to be processed into the database by the ETL database job.
    1. Open the Windows Services tool.
    2. Make sure that both the MSSQLSERVER and SQLSERVERAGENT services are started.
    3. Make sure that the SQLSERVERAGENT service is configured for Automatic startup. (Double-click the service name in the Services list to open a Properties dialog box that includes Startup type information.)

      This ensures that SQL Server Agent restarts automatically any time SQL Server or the host machine is restarted.

    If you do not have access to the SQL Server machine, ask your Database Administrator to make sure the SQL Server Agent job is running, and configured for automatic startup.

  • Log Server is correctly set up to receive log information from Filtering Service. See Verify your Log Server configuration.