Stopping and starting web protection services

Web protection services are configured to start each time the machine restarts. However, in some cases you need to stop or start one or more product components separately from a machine restart.

Note: If Filtering Service is in the process of downloading the Forcepoint URL Database, it does not stop running until the download is complete.

When you stop all web protection services, always end with the policy services, in the order shown:

  1. Websense Policy Server
  2. Websense Policy Broker
  3. Websense Policy Database

Note that unless a problem specifically pertains to Policy Broker or the Policy Database, it is rarely necessary to restart these services. Avoid restarting these services when possible.

When you start all web protection services, always start with the policy services, in the reverse of the shutdown order (starting with Policy Database and ending with Policy Server).

When you stop the services associated with Real-Time Monitor:

  • Also stop the Websense TRITON - Web Security and Websense Web Reporting Tools services.
  • Stop the Real-Time Monitor services in the order shown:
    1. Websense RTM Client
    2. Websense RTM Server
    3. Websense RTM Database

Start the Real-Time Monitor services in the reverse of shutdown order (starting with RTM Database and ending with RTM Client).