Filtering Service is not running

When Filtering Service is not running, policy enforcement and logging cannot occur. Filtering Service may stop running if:

  • There is insufficient disk space on the Filtering Service machine (see Insufficient disk space on the Filtering Service machine).
  • A Forcepoint URL Database download failed due to lack of disk space (see The Forcepoint URL Database does not download).
  • The websense.ini file is missing or corrupted.
  • You stop the service (after creating custom block pages, for example) and do not restart it.

Filtering Service may also appear to have stopped if you restarted multiple web protection services, and they were not started in the correct order. When you restart multiple services, remember to start the Policy Database, Policy Broker, and Policy Server before starting other services.

To troubleshoot these problems:

  • Verify that there is at least 3 GB of free disk space on the Filtering Service machine. You may need to remove unused files or add additional capacity.
  • Navigate to the bin directory (C:\Program Files\Websense\Web Security\bin or /opt/Websense/bin/, by default), and confirm that you can open websense.ini in a text editor. If this file has been corrupted, replace it with a backup file.
  • Check the Windows Event Viewer or websense.log file (in the bin directory) for error messages from Filtering Service.
  • Log off of the Forcepoint Security Manager, restart Policy Server, and then restart Filtering Service (see Stopping and starting web protection services.

    Wait 1 minute before logging on to the Security Manager again.