Setting the presentation reports schedule

Define a reporting job to occur once or on a repeating cycle on the Schedule tab of the Presentation Reports > Scheduler page.

Note: It is advisable to schedule report jobs on different days or at different times, to avoid overloading the Log Database and slowing performance for logging and interactive reporting.


  1. Enter a Job name that uniquely identifies this scheduled job.
  2. Select a Recurrence Pattern and Recurrence Options for the job. The specific options available depend on the pattern selected.
    Pattern Options
    Once Enter the exact date on which to run the job, or click the icon to select from a calendar.
    Daily No additional recurrence options are available.
    Weekly Mark the check box for each day of the week the job is to run.

    Enter the dates during the month for running the job. Dates must be a number between 1 and 31, and must be separated by commas (1,10,20).

    To run the job on consecutive dates each month, enter a start and end date separated by a hyphen (3-5).

  3. Under Schedule Time, set the start time for running the job. The job begins according to the time on the management server.
    Note: To start generating the scheduled reports today, select a time late enough that you can complete the job definition before the start time.
  4. Under Schedule Period, select a date for starting the job, and an option for ending the job.
    Option Description
    No end date

    The job continues to run according to the established schedule, indefinitely.

    To discontinue the job at some time in the future, either edit or delete the job. See Viewing the presentation reports scheduled jobs list.

    End after Select the number of times to run the job. After that number of occurrences, the job does not run again, but it stays in the Job Queue until you delete it. See Viewing the presentation reports scheduled jobs list.
    End by Set the date when the job stops running. It does not run on or after this date.
  5. Click Next to open the Reports tab. See Selecting presentation reports to schedule.