File Type Options


  1. To specify the types of files Content Gateway is to analyze, click File Type Options. As a best practice, analyze all suspicious files, as identified by Forcepoint Security Labs, and all executable and unrecognized files.
  2. To always analyze files having a specific extension, select Files with the following extensions, enter the extension in the entry field and click Add.
    To remove an extension from the list, click on the extension to select it, and click Delete.

Next steps

When you are done configuring file analysis options, click OK to cache your changes. Changes are not implemented until you click Save and Deploy.

Several presentation reports provide details about attempts to download files containing security risks. These reports are listed in the Report Catalog only after analysis activity has detected sites whose activity has changed since it was assigned a Forcepoint URL Database category. See Presentation reports, for more information.

See Managing traffic based on file type, for information about blocking files based on type and URL category.