Working with Filtering Service

Filtering Service is the component that works with Content Gateway (Forcepoint Web Security), or with Network Agent or a third-party integration product, to provide policy enforcement. When a user requests a site, Filtering Service receives the request, determines which policy applies, and uses the applicable policy to determine whether the site is permitted or blocked.

Each Filtering Service instance downloads its own copy of the Forcepoint URL Database to use in determining how to handle Internet requests.

If you have multiple Filtering Service instances, an additional component, State Server, is required to enable correct application of time-based actions (Confirm, Quota, Password Override, or Account Override). State Server allows the timing information associated with these features to be shared, so that clients are granted exactly the Internet access than you intend (see Policy Server, Filtering Service, and State Server).

Filtering Service also sends information about Internet activity to Log Server, so that it can be recorded and used for reporting.

In the Forcepoint Security Manager, a Filtering Service Summary on the System dashboard lists the IP address and current status of each Filtering Service instance associated with the current Policy Server. Click a Filtering Service IP address for more detailed information about the selected Filtering Service.