Overriding an exception
By default, when a Super Administrator creates an exception, the exception takes precedence over any exceptions that a delegated administrator might create.
For example:
- A Super Administrator global exception blocks mysite.com and a delegated administrator exception for some managed clients permits mysite.com.
The URL is blocked by default.
- A Super Administrator global exception permits anothersite.com and a delegated administrator exception blocks the same site.
The URL is permitted by default.
When creating an exception, however, Super Administrators have the option to Allow delegated administrators to create exceptions that override this exception. If this option is selected, delegated administrator exceptions take precedence over the Super Administrator exception.
For example:
- A Super Administrator global exception permits samplesite.com, and a delegated administrator exception blocks samplesite.com for the delegated administration role.
The URL is blocked for clients in the delegated administration role.
- A Super Administrator global exception blocks example.com, and a delegated administrator exception permits example.com for a managed client.
The URL is permitted for the specified managed client.
Super Administrator exceptions that can be overridden are marked by an icon () in the Clients column on the page.