Editing multiple exceptions at the same time

Use the Policy Management > Exceptions > Edit Exceptions page to edit multiple exceptions at the same time.

When you edit multiple exceptions, you can edit only the exception type (permitted or blocked), expiration setting (never expires or expiration date), state (active or inactive), or security override setting (whether URLs in a permitted exception are permitted or blocked if web protection software finds a security risk).

When editing multiple exceptions, if one of the selected exceptions contains referer information and you change the exception type to Block, the change will not be applied to the referer exception. Referer exceptions can only be defined with a Type of Permit. Any other changes will be carried to all selected exceptions

Click the View details of each selected exception link near the top of the page for more information about the exceptions you are editing.


  1. Verify the exception Type (Block or Permit). To make a change, click Change, then make a new selection.
  2. To update the Expires setting for the exception, click Change, then
    • If you select Never, the exception is used until you delete it, or edit it to add an expiration date.
    • If you select After, enter an expiration date in the format mm/dd/yyyy, or click the calendar icon to select a date.
  3. To update the exception State, click Change, then mark or clear the Active check box. Inactive exceptions are not used.
  4. By default, if web protection components determine that a URL is a security risk (hosts malicious software or spyware, for example), the URL is blocked, even if it has been permitted by exception.

    To update the current security settings for a permitted exception, click Advanced, then click Change. Mark or clear the Block URLs that become a security risk, even if they are permitted by exception check box.

    Disabling the default security override protection is not recommended.

  5. When you are finished making changes, click OK to cache your changes and return to the Exceptions page. Changes are not implemented until you click Save and Deploy.