A Policy Broker replica cannot synchronize data
In a replicated Policy Broker deployment, each replica synchronizes its policy and configuration data with the primary Policy Broker on a regular basis to ensure that current information is available to all components in the deployment.
If a replica is unable to connect to the primary Policy Broker for more than 24 hours, a health alert is displayed. To resolve this issue:
- Make sure that 2-way network communication is possible between the primary and replica host machines on port 6432. (The firewall must allow both inbound and outbound connections on this port.)
- Make sure that the primary Policy Broker machine is up, and the Policy Broker service or daemon is running.
- Make sure that the Policy Broker replica machine is up, and the Policy Broker service or daemon is running.
- The replica Policy Broker must use the synchronization password configured during primary Policy Broker configuration. If you have recently replaced the primary Policy Broker, make sure that the correct synchronization password was used.