Go to the page in the Web module of the Security Manager and click Add.
Enter a unique Policy name. The policy name must be between 1 and 50 characters long, and cannot include any of the following characters:
* < > { } ~ ! $ % & @ # . " | \ & + = ? / ; : ,
Policy names can include spaces, dashes, and apostrophes.
Enter a Description for the policy. The description should be clear and detailed to help with policy management in the long term.
The character restrictions that apply to policy names also apply to descriptions, with 2 exceptions: descriptions can include periods (.) and commas (,).
To use an existing policy as the foundation for the new policy, mark the Base on existing policy check box, and then select a policy from the drop-down list.
To start with an empty policy, leave the check box unmarked.
Click OK to cache your changes and go to the Edit Policy page.
Next steps
In order for the policy to take effect, you must both apply it to clients (to determine who is governed by the policy) and click Save and Deploy to implement your
For a quick but thorough introduction to creating and editing policies and applying them to clients, see the “Policy Management” section of the New Admin Quick Start tutorial.