Set up the CMC IP Address

The X10G chassis includes a small, built-in LCD screen at the lower left front.

With the chassis powered on, pull out the LCD screen and use it to:

  1. Set your language preference
  2. Specify the IP address of the Chassis Management Controller (CMC)

Setting the CMC IP address enables you to communicate with the controller through a browser, from which you can quickly set remote access (iDRAC) addresses for the blades. The following illustration shows the built-in LCD screen and its associated keypad.

Use the silver arrow pad to the right of the LCD screen to move to a selection. Press the center of the silver pad when you are ready to confirm your choice.

After you choose a language, you are ready to configure the CMC.
LCD Prompt Recommended response
Configure CMC? YES
Set Network Speed Auto (1Gb)
Specify Protocol Type IP4 Only
IP Addressing Mode Static
Enter static IP address of CMC
Enter subnet mask for this IP address
Enter default gateway address for this IP address
Confirm your settings (Confirm)
Register DNS? NO (choose X)
Configure iDRACs?

NO (choose X)

You will set these from the web interface.

Apply All Enclosure Settings? YES