Assigning blade slot iDRAC addresses

Move to a laptop and open a browser that has connectivity to the network where the CMC IP address resides.

Point the browser to the IP address you assigned to the CMC:

Log on to the CMC with the default credentials (root/Forcepoint#1, or root/calvin).

This enables you to quickly assign consecutive IP addresses for the iDRACs for all 16 blade servers. You will also change the CMC password.


  1. Select Server Overview at the left and choose the Setup tab.
  2. Ensure that the QuickDeploy check box is enabled.
  3. Set Starting iDRAC IPv4 Address (Slot 1) from your chosen IP address range for slot iDRACs. (Check the Netmask and Gateway shown on screen, and change if needed).
  4. Click Save QuickDeploy Settings.
  5. Scroll down, to locate the button labeled Auto-Populate Using QuickDeploy Settings. Click it. Contiguous IP addresses are assigned consecutively to all 16 individual slots for iDRACs.
  6. Click Apply iDRAC Network Settings at the bottom of the screen.
  7. In the left navigation, select Chassis Overview > User Authentication.
  8. Select User ID 1.
  9. Change the password for the CMC and click Apply.

    X Series hardware setup is complete. Return to your deployment plan for the next step. For example, if you are deploying Forcepoint Web Security, your next step may be to install an off-appliance policy source machine, or if the policy source is on a chassis blade the next step may be to run firstboot on the policy source security blade.